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Oriland Books are filled with exquisite origami designs from Oriland. Learn how to make striking action designs, hot air balloons, kusudama, paper castle, practical paper organizers and more! Books feature step-by-step vector and/or photo diagrams in full colour with written instructions. These books will bring you hours and hours of happy folding! Check them out! Available formats: PDF, Paperback, Kindle.

Origami Charming Kusudama
Origami Décor Series

Origami Charming Kusudama

~Magic Spheres out of Paper~

by Katrin and Yuri Shumakov

Publisher: Oriland.com

Publication Date: 2015/12/20
ISBN: 978-0-9811902-9-7

Product Format: e-Book (PDF)
Contents: 18 origami designs
Pages: 50
Size: 14 MB


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Publisher: Oriland.com

Publication Date: 2015/12/20
ISBN 13: 978-1522733362
ISBN 10: 1522733361

Product Format: paperback
Contents: 18 origami designs
Color: Full Color
Pages: 50

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Publisher: Oriland.com

Publication Date: 2015/12/20

Product Format: kindle
Contents: 18 origami designs
Color: Full Color
Pages: 50

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Origami Charming Kusudama of the Origami Décor Series by the Oriland creators will show you how to make Kusudama - magic spheres out of paper! Kusudama ('healing sphere' in Japanese) is a decorative paper ball usually made of several modules connected together to form an attractive sphere filled with harmony and beauty.

The sphere designs in this book use a common technique for making a kusudama where six modules, each folded from paper in the pure origami style, are glued together to shape a ball. The 6-module kusudama designs possess a certain charm while balancing the folding efforts and the elegance of the result. Some of these designs have a 10-module version in a form of an eye-catching lantern.

Do-It-Yourself - fold these charming kusudama models - traditional ones and the original designs by Katrin and Yuri Shumakov! The airy Jasmine Sphere, the striking Tsuru Tama (or Crane Kusudama), the Fairy Wings Sphere, the Chinese Dogwood Sphere and more! You will also find related models such as pendants, stars and flowers.

There are 180 detailed step-by-step colorful diagrams with written instructions and 50 photos of examples of completed projects that will guide you through folding the 18 origami designs. For every project, there are recommendations on paper type and size including an indication of an estimated size of the completed model. The designs are from simple to intermediate level of folding and are good for the novice and the expert alike.

In addition, the authors' article 'Magic of Kusudama' introduces the kusudama theme, shedding some light on how they were used in ancient Japan and how kusudama designs keep their charm in the present. Kusudama elevates the mood of a person who made it and who receives it as a gift or even happens just to look at it. Kusudama spheres are wonderful decorations able to bring a unique atmosphere into any space. They can be a marvelous gift for your friends and family too. Creative, original and beautiful!

Have a wonderful and fun time with this book creating these magic spheres out of paper! Happy folding!

For your convenience, each article in the eBook version (PDF file) is bookmarked for quick and easy access!

Origami Charming Kusudama Book preview
Origami Charming Kusudama Book preview
Origami Charming Kusudama Book preview
Origami Charming Kusudama Book preview
Origami Charming Kusudama Book preview
Origami Charming Kusudama Book preview
Origami Charming Kusudama Book preview
Origami Charming Kusudama Book preview
Origami Charming Kusudama Book preview
Origami Charming Kusudama Artwork

Origami Charming Kusudama: Magic Spheres out of Paper. Copyright © 2015 by Katrin and Yuri Shumakov. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever (including tutorials) without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, address info [at] oriland.com

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